- Microtiter wells are coated with purified and inactivated HSV-1 and HSV-2 antigen with a high content of specific immunodominant epitopes.
- If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color reaction with a single component substrate (TMB-Complete).
- The kit allows 96 tests, including controls in a split microtiter plate with color-coded strips and breakable wells.
- The total assay time is about 2 hours.
- High sensitivity and specificity of the test.
- Kit includes CUT-OFF, Positive Control and Negative Control, Calibrators.
- Semi-quantitative evaluation in the Index of Positivity (IP).
- Ready-to-use, color-coded components.
- Single-component substrate.
- Interchangeable components with the exception of kit specific components (Controls, Conjugate, Plate).
The kit contains the Avidity solution, which enables quantitative determination of bond strength of an antibody antigen complex. Based on this fact, it is possible to distinguish between acute and chronic phase of the disease.
- Screening test for the detection of human Herpes simplex infection.
- To check the therapy results using the semiquantitative determination.
Brief assay procedure:
- Dilute samples (1:101).
- Pipette Controls and diluted Samples.
- Incubate at 37°C for 30 min.
- Aspirate and wash the wells 5×
- Pipette Conjugate.
- Incubate at 37°C for 30 min.
- Aspirate and wash the wells 5×
- Pipette Substrate (TMB-Complete).
- Incubate at 37°C for 30 min.
- Pipette Stop Solution.
- Read color intensity at 450 nm.
- Evaluate the test.
SmartEIA kits are specifically designed for automated processing on the Agility® instrument, Dynex Technologies, Inc.