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Microblot-Array COVID-19 IgG

Microblot-Array COVID-19 IgG
EAN Code: 8595635309359
Catalog number: CoVGMA96
Package size: 96 tests
Regulatory status: IVD CE
Storage: 2-8 °C
Producer: TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.o.
Delivery time: On request

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Contact person:

Name: MUDr. Jana Dočkalová
Phone: +420 549 121 205

The Microblot-Array assay is intended for the diagnosis, monitoring and screening of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection using IgG antibodies in human serum, plasma or dry blood spot in the general population. The qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative automated assay is designed for professional use in a laboratory.

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·        Used Antigen: combination of selected parts of the specific antigens of SARS-CoV-2 (NCP, RBD, Spike S2, E, ACE2, PLPro protein) and antigens for exclusion cross-reactivity with other endemic coronaviruses (MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, HCoV 229E Np, HCoV NL63 Np).

·        Recombinant and highly purified antigens are applied in the form of microdots (spots) in triplets to a nitrocellulose membrane in a microtiter well format.

·        If specific antibodies are present in the sample, they will bind to the respective antigens.

·        The complex is labelled with Conjugate and detected through a colour reaction with substrate (BCIP/NBT).

·        The kit enables 96 tests.

·        Short incubation periods, total assay time: approximately 1.5 h.

·        Each individual test includes control spots, which serves to check functionality and sensitivity of the sets, and also the spots for checking the presence of the conjugate.

·        Positive controls included enabling validation of the tests.

·        For quantitative evaluation the wells contain calibration spots.

·        All reagents supplied are ready to use.

·        The kit may be used sequentially for smaller batches of samples (reagents are provided in sufficient quantities).

·        Evaluation using Microblot-Array reader and the appropriate software.



Laboratory test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, confirmatory test to ELISA.


Brief assay procedure:

1.      Dilute samples serum/plasma (1:51).

2.      Pipette diluted samples.

3.      Incubate at room temperature for 30 min.

4.      Wash 3 times for 5 min.

5.      Add Conjugate.

6.      Incubate at room temperature for 30 min.

7.      Wash 3 times for 5 min.

8.      Add Substrate (BCIP/NPT).

9.      Incubate at room temperature for 15 min.

10.   Wash 2 times for 5 min in distilled water.

11.   Dry and evaluate of test.
